M3 - Data Exploration
Learning Goals
- Properly set up a data analysis session in RStudio
- Apply data exploration skills to a real-world example dataset
- Import and explore datasets in R
- Graphically explore datasets in R
- Discuss and navigate different data types in R
- Wrangle and format date objects
Lesson Documents
Download these and import into the Lessons folder of your workspace:
Lab Documents
Assignment Document
- A03_DataExploration.Rmd
- Metadata folder: Unzip this into your workspace’s Data folder; it includes the metadata for the various datasets we use.
- Best practices, working directories, & importing data
- Dataset attributes & summaries; Missing data
- Working with dates; editing & saving data
- Review - prepping for data exploration
- Data types, grammer of graphics, bar plots, & histograms
- Frequency line graphs and box plots
- Scatterplots and closing remarks