
ENV 872 - EDA   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Luana LimaJohn Fay  |  

Assignments are typically due at 11:59pm on the Tuesday following the in-class session discussing the topic. Late submissions will incur a late penalty of 5% per day.

Tips on completing and submitting your assignments:

  • Read the assignments carefully and answer all parts of each question.
  • Add relevant comments and line breaks to your code to make it more understandable and readable.
  • Insert manual line breaks in your markdown if your text prints off the page.
  • Make sure code output (in addition to the code itself) is included in your knitted PDF.
  • Avoid including “install.packages()” in your code as often prevents proper knitting.
    (At least comment it out or set the code chunk not to run when knitting.)

Deliverable Date Assigned Date Due
A01 - Knit & Submit Rmarkdown 9-Jan 16-Jan
A02 - Coding basics in R 16-Jan 23-Jan
A03 - Data Exploration 23-Jan 30-Jan
A04 - Data Wrangling 30-Jan 6-Feb
A05 - Data visualization 6-Feb 13-Feb
A06 - Crafting Reports & Dashboards 13-Feb 20-Feb
A07 - Linear Models 20-Feb 27-Feb
A08 - Time Series Analysis 27-Feb 6-Mar
A09 - Spatial Analysis 5-Mar 19-Mar
A10 - Scraping Data 19-Mar 26-Mar
A11 - Python for R Users 26-Mar 2-Apr
Course Project 30-Apr