
ENV 872 - EDA   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Luana LimaJohn Fay  |  

Recordings should be watched prior to the next class meeting

Date assigned Module Topic Length
Jan 12 (M0) Getting Started Setting up a virtual container 3:55
Installing R/Rstudio - PC 6:47
Installing R/Rstudio - Mac 13:51
Creating your Github account 3:17
Forking the class repostory 4:54
Creating you personal access token 6:11
Configuring Rstudio 12:52
Creating your Rstudio project 11:37
Jan 16 (M1) Intro to Data Analytics Intro to Data Analytics & R 10:48
Jan 23 (M2) Reproducibility & Coding Basics Intro to Rmarkdown & knitting 14:23
Reproducibility: Best Practices 17:31
RStudio Basics - I 18:25
RStudio Basics - II 20:07
Jan 30 (M3) Data Exploration Best practices, working directories, & importing data 21:26
Dataset attributes & summaries; Missing data 16:48
Working with dates; editing & saving data 14:22
Review - prepping for data exploration 8:17
Data types, grammer of graphics, bar plots, & histograms 16:58
Frequency line graphs and box plots 12:59
Scatterplots and closing remarks 4:11
Feb 06 (M4) Data Wrangling Tidy data; "dplyr" wrangling functions; piping commands 30:25
More "dplyr" wrangling functions; "lubridate" 20:30
Transforming data 32:16
Combining datasets; types of joins 20:11
Feb 16 (M5) Data Visualization Grammer of graphics: Plotting continuous data 29:03
Scatterplots; box plots 22:58
Violin plots, frequency polygons 8:14
Themes, additional geoms, axes labels 18:14
Color palettes; multiple plots; saving plots 13:36
Feb 20 (M6) Crafting Reports & Dashboards Crafting Reports: R, R Studio and R Markdown 5:41
Crafting Reports: Working with YAML 8:52
Crafting Reports: The Knitting Process 4:46
Crafting Reports: Working with Code Chunks 10:37
Crafting Reports: Working with Figures 10:15
Crafting Reports: Working with Markdown 18:15
Crafting Reports: Tables with Kable 7:36
Crafting Reports: Cleaning up for Knitting 7:45
Interactive Rmarkdown: Writing plotting code using variables 11:15
Interactive Rmarkdown: Introducing Widgets 15:18
Interactive Rmarkdown: Plotting with Interactive Widgets 16:14
Dashboards: What is a data dashboard 11:46
Dashboards: Anatomy of an R/Shiny dashboard 23:24
Feb 27 (M7) GLMs GLMs 1 - Intro to GLM and linear regression 26:22
GLMs 2 - Multiple linear regression and AIC to select variables 29:07
GLMs 3 - One-way ANOVA and Post-hoc test 22:45
GLMs 4 - Two-way ANOVA, main effects and interaction effects 18:45
GLMs 5 - One-sample and two-sample T-test 14:27
Mar 05 (M8) Time Series TSA: Introduction & Components of TSA; Computing autocorrelation 26:23
TSA: Trends & stationarity; Stationarity tests 20:52
TSA in R: Initial plots, opportunities and challenges 14:06
TSA in R: Decomposing the series and trend analysis 13:29
TSA in R: Trend tests and ARMA models 17:25
Mar 19 (M9) Spatial Data Introduction to spatial data 18:43
Coordinate reference systems 20:43
Reading spatial data into R 24:55
Attribute joins and data aggregation 22:01
Coordinate transformation, spatial selection, & spatial intersection 16:46
Making maps 7:07
Mar 26 (M10) Data Scraping Introduction to data scraping 30:52
Automating the scraping process 16:31
Web crawling 17:53
Apr 06 (M11) Python for R users Intro and setting up your JupyterLab environment 7:22
Reproducibility and Coding Basics 22:24
Basic Python 24:51
Python, Pandas, and Data Exploration 27:33