M5 - Data Visualization

ENV 872 - EDA   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Luana LimaJohn Fay  |  

Learning Goals

  • Learn how to perform simple data visualizations in the R package ggplot
  • Develop skills to adjust aesthetics and layers in graph
  • Explore the decision tree framework (from Data to Viz) for appropriate graphing methods
  • Learn how to perform advanced edits on ggplot objects to follow best practices for data visualization

:exclamation:New Data Documents:exclamation:

We are going to upload some new datasets to our workspace in a folder called “Processed_KEY” within your Data folder. These files are contained in the zip file linked here: Processed_KEY.zip. Use the instructions below on how to get these files in the correct place in your repository.

  • For desktop users (Windows & Mac):
    • Download the file and unzip it into your Data folder
    • When complete, commit all the files to your Git repository and push
  • For container users:
    • Download the file to your local machine
    • In your RStudio container, navigate to the Data folder
    • Upload the zip file; it will automatically unzip
    • When complete, commit all the files to your Git repository and push

Lesson Documents

Download these and import into the Lessons folder of your workspace:

Lab Documents



Additional Resources