M6 - Crafting Reports

ENV 872 - EDA   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Luana LimaJohn Fay  |  

Learning Goals

In this section we tackle two topics related to how we present our analyses. In the first section on “Crafting Reports”, we examine the components of an RMarkdown document in more depth and explore more advanced techniques for formatting your documents to make more professional and informative PDFs via the knitting process. Then, in the second section, we examine how RStudio & RMarkdown can help make interactive documents, often referred to as dashboards. Both of these sections will be helpful in your course projects as you craft your deliverables.

Crafting Reports

  1. Describe the purpose of using R Markdown as a communication and workflow tool
  2. Incorporate Markdown syntax into documents
  3. Communicate the process and findings of an analysis session in the style of a report

Data Dashboards

  1. Describe what a data dashboard is and how it’s different than a knitted R Markdown report
  2. Run your own R/Shiny data dashboard app using R code
  3. Identify the key components of an R/Shiny app script and how they work together


Lesson Documents

Lab Documents

  • None! We will examine the documents used in the recordings and also tackle the assignment…


Additional Resources