M2 - Reproducibility & Coding Basics

ENV 872 - EDA   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Luana LimaJohn Fay  |  

Learning Goals

Introduction to RMarkdown

  • Describe the purpose of using R Markdown as a communication and workflow tool
  • Learn how to create, edit, save, and knit RMarkdown (“Rmd”) files
  • Identify the components of Rmd files (YAML, text, code chunks) and describe what each do
  • Incorporate Markdown syntax into documents
  • Add and execute code chunks in Rmd files
  • Communicate the process and findings of an analysis session in the style of a report


  • Discuss the benefits and approach for reproducible data analysis

RStudio basics/coding in R

  • Perform simple operations using R coding syntax
  • Call and create functions in R

Lesson documents

Download and import this document to follow along with the recordings.

Lab documents

Download the following and upload to your RStudio project’s assignment folder:


Download the following and add to your RStudio project’s assignment folder:


Additional Resources