M3 - Coding Challenge Answers

Be sure you made a sincere attempt at these on your own! If you have any questions at all, be sure to follow up with an instructor or TA – or ask on Slack!

Creating vectors & dataframes

1a. Create vectors of high and low temperatures

```{r DataExercise-1a}
#Create vectors
highs_F <- c(68,72,62,58,53,54,55,56,58,58)
lows_F <- c(64,57,56,40,30,36,31,35,37,38)

1b. Create a function to convert F to C and apply the function

```{r DataExercise-1b}

#Create a function
f_to_c = function(f){
  c <- (f-32)*5/9

#Apply function to vectors
highs_C <- f_to_c(highs_F)
lows_C <- f_to_c(lows_F)


1c. Bring all vectors into a single dataframe

```{r DataExercise-1c}

#Create dataframe from vectors 
temperatures <- data.frame(highs_F,lows_F,highs_C,lows_C)


1d. Apply suammary() and sd() commands

```{r DataExercise-1d}
#Reveal summary

#Standard deviation - has to be a vector, not a dataframe

Dates with Lubridate

#Ex_3 - on your own...
str_juneteenth <- "19 June 1865"
#Since the format is month-day-year we will use function mdy()
date_juneteenth <- dmy(str_juneteenth)